Let me tell you a tale ’bout my shiny car;
how I drove it fast, and I drove it far,
while I take you drinkin’ at a swanky bar,
’cause my auto just ups my star.
My star, my star,
my star, my star,
Let’s face it: I’m way ’bove par.
And you just gotta see where I’m livin’ now,
where the maid works cheap, and the gard’ners bow
’cause they all got jobs (though I don’t know how),
since the border’s been closed for now.
For now, for now,
for now, for now.
Yes, we all feel safe for now.
So, maybe you worry that you might take ill,
but when I feel bad, I just take a pill.
And I never frown should I get a chill,
long as Medicare pays the bill.
The bill, the bill,
the bill, the bill,
And the uninsured make out wills.
O’ the planet’s been heatin’ up awful quick,
and the CO2’s getting’ scary thick,
but the talk show hosts say it’s all a trick.
True or false? You can take your pick.
Your pick, your pick,
your pick, your pick,
Long as taxes don’t rise a lick.
Now, it’s time we started feelin’ once more great,
when the gals were sweet and the men all straight,
and we were glad that we could share a fate
that would let us overfill our plate.
Our plate, our plate,
our plate, our plate,
and let everybody celebrate.
Yes, celebrate,
o’ celebrate,
’cause everybody pulled their weight.
Oh, yeah,
and there weren’t slackers at the gate.
Oh, yeah,
and everybody could relate
Oh, yeah,
to those who didn’t come here late
Oh, yeah,
and all the rest would have to wait
to be accepted by the state
and never with us whites debate,
’bout correcting our historic slate.
For Jesus made this nation great,
which all your rhet’ric can’t negate,
So, if you try to immigrate,
and foreign ways initiate,
and with our women copulate,
and make your race a hyphenate,
then justice don’t anticipate,
’cause this country’s gonna work once more.
Once more, once more,
once more, once more,
this is Paradise if you’re a whore.
